Identification of morphogenetic regions and respective geomorphic processes: a GIS approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor, Department of Watershed-Land Management, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran

2 2Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Watershed-Land Management, Sari University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran


Regional study of any geographic or geomorphic phenomena is essential in different aspects such as understanding the region, resource management, and application of the knowledge for the regional development. Understanding the physical set up of these regions is the basis of such regional assessment. In the same context, identification of morphogenetic region(s) is of interest to the geoscientists, geotechnical experts, and planners. This study was performed based on Lewis Peltier models in the Paveh Rood watershed basin using two variables of average temperature and annual rainfall. In order to study and zoning the weathering and geomorphological areas of the studied region, climatic data including average annual rainfall and temperature, which had appropriate statistical period were received from five synoptic stations of the General Meteorological Department of Kermanshah then, the data were recorded in GIS software. The regimes for each station were determined from Peltier models and the weight value was also determined; then, they were recorded in the database and, finally, the relevant maps were generated using Arc map software. The results showed that out of 9 morphogenetic conditions in the Peltier model, five conditions occur in the region's climatic conditions. In weathering processes, it has been shown that the oceanic, temperate, and Selva regions are affected by strong chemical weathering. These areas are also characterized by a strong washing environment. While the savannah and semi-arid regions, ie the northwestern region and the center of the basin, have moderate and weak weathering.


Main Subjects

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