Assessing the quality of drought adaptation in regional plans –Case study of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of urban and regional Planning, Faculty of architecture, Shshid Beheshti University

2 Department of urban and regional planning, faculty of architecture, shahid beheshti university, Tehran , Iran

3 environmental sciences research institute, shahid beheshti university, Tehran, Iran


The impact of regional plans on water resources and has always been a concern for researchers. In the meantime, one of the issues which is being raised by drought is how to assess the quality of regional plans considering the drought. In this research, Fu and Tang plan assessment method called "Awareness-Analysis-Action" is used to assess the quality of six regional plans of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari Province in Iran. Findings show that the awareness component in all plans is at an average level. Regarding the analysis component, comprehensive regional plans are in a good level, and other plans were at an average level. The action component was rated moderate in all plans and the scores related to the component of action in the plans were not different significantly. In terms of the overall plan score, only one plan received a score above average. Results of ANOVA test showed that the mean of the “Analysis component” in the plans is more than the two other components and there is no significant difference between the score of the three components of the plans. In other words, regional development plans have failed to succeed in three components of awareness, analysis, and action regarding drought adaptation.


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